Memberships Options & Benefits
Inquire for pricing information.
Your investment and annual dues will cover the cost of upgrading and maintaining existing facilities, new lodging, and providing first class service.
Founding members will be invited to be on the initial Board of Directors.
Note that financing of initiation fees may be possible under certain, limited circumstances. Financing for prospective members will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Lodging Accommodations
Currently the club properties contain:
- 40 guest rooms/suites on the main island
- A four-bedroom summer house on Van Reed Island
Member daily rates are substantially discounted from market rates.
Building Additional Lodging
Building three 4-bedroom houses.
Additional construction will occur on the main island to expand the lodging options. The Club will add additional shore homes in the clubs rental pool, as demand dictates.
Work is underway to identify suitable shore homes.

Dining on The Island
In addition to the Member Dining Room & Bar in the Main Lodge, the Club has a variety of dining rooms, outdoor patios, and picnic areas.
The planning for the club recognized the need for spacious places for extended families/friends to meet, prepare, and share meals together. To that end the upper level of the Power House, at the boathouse complex, will have a complete kitchen as well as additional kitchens in some of the existing & new cabins - as well as on Knapp and Van Reed islands.
Work on the Island
The Club will offer dedicated quiet areas, along with a world-class boardroom and conference facilities, to satisfy the members’ need for a place for projects and, of course, to get some serious work done.
Island Wifi is provided by Starlink

“A child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived within him”
– Pablo Neruda

Water Rat said to Mole: “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” Wind in the Willows. Stouts Island Club agrees with Rat, and the Boathouse (Member Services Complex), on the north shore of the island, was re-designed for just that purpose; offering members: Elco electric motor launches, a waterski boat, fishing boats, sailboats, pontoon & deck boats, rowing shells, canoes, kayaks, water bikes, fishing gear and bait, and a variety of water toys.
In addition to the above complex the Club has several beautiful common areas in the Main Lodge - the original living room and adjacent library and soon to be winterized porch.
The Club is fortunate to be located near several very high-quality golf courses including Tagalong on the lake (built by Frank Stout in the 1920’s) and Turtleback in Rice Lake.
Red Cedar Lake is a fine fishery. A variety of rods and tackle and bait will be available at the Guest Services Desk in the Boathouse Complex.
Staffed Summer activities for ages 5 – 16 will be offered when membership numbers dictate. From June 15 through August 15th the Club will provide the kids an activity manager - well versed in helping the children (and adults!) explore the natural world.
In addition to common areas, the Club’s islands contain children’s, adults, and family only areas.
In addition, the member swim dock on the south side of the main island, several other areas (each with its own swim raft) will be available to members - periodically reservable for private family use.
A new studio will be located in the woods across the bridge.
This family amenity is located on the second level of the boathouse.
Become a Member of the University Club of Saint Paul
By joining the Stout's Island Club, you will also become a member of the University Club of Saint Paul and gain access to over 300 reciprocal clubs across the world from Australia, to New York City, to Tokyo.

Common Questions
The current plan is for the Club to have a maximum of 325 Family Memberships with lodging, and Associate Memberships that will not include lodging (for property owners/renters on the adjacent lakes). In the event Club ownership/management elects to expand the Club properties it may also expand membership somewhat to keep member's annual costs reasonable.
A detailed application is required, along with reference letters. The process will include a personal interview and an extensive background check. The least important characteristic of a prospective member is the ability to pay - character matters more.
Yes. Guests must be accompanied by a member. In low season, members may send their guests unaccompanied for a maximum of two three-day visits per season based on availability. Real estate owners may have guests whenever they choose.
Yes. The Club management is committed to the maintenance of the highest standards of member behavior. Any member who violates its rules risks membership cancelation – with no refund of membership fees or annual dues paid or owed. The Club demands courteous and civil behavior towards all members and staff - no exceptions.
Submit a membership application. If accepted, we will request your initiation fee, and your fee will be held in an escrow account until enough memberships have been sold to establish the Club, and it can begin improvements & new construction. Currently that is estimated to be 10 non-real estate owning memberships sold.
Financing of initiation fees may be possible under certain, limited circumstances. Financing for prospective members will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Yes. Your spouse or designated child may continue as members without payment of any additional transfer fee.